February 19, 2025 - PMN Pop-Up Course:
The Power of Positive Psychology: Unlock Your Resilience
National Women’s Council of REALTORS®
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The real estate market is constantly evolving. Our courses deliver real-world tools and hands-on techniques designed to promote REALTORS® and their businesses. The Performance Management Network (PMN) is the flagship REALTOR® business leadership designation designed to give you access to a nationwide peer network of the industry’s finest business leaders. Show your clients that you’re committed to continuing education and professional excellence and that you value the importance of a powerful network of business connections. Attend a PMN course today.
National Women’s Council of REALTORS®
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*You must complete 4-hours of Webinars to receive one PMN course credit.
Featuring Debbie DeGrote
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Approved for 1 credit hour towards the PMN Designation*
Featuring Shay Hata
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Approved for 2 credit hours towards the PMN Designation*
Featuring Alyssia Essig
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Approved for 1 credit hour towards the PMN Designation*
Featuring Cheryl Knowlton
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Approved for 1 credit hour towards the PMN Designation*
Women’s Council has partnered with Hiveologie to bring you new and exciting education opportunities at your convenience. Most courses and webinars count as credit toward the PMN designation. PMN designees also receive special discounts and access to free content.
Featuring Jesse Wood & Davina Hughes
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At Your Convenience
Approved for 1 course credit towards the PMN Designation*
Featuring Karen Liz Albert
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At Your Convenience
Approved for 1 course credit towards the PMN Designation*
Featuring Amy Chorew, Steve Bintz & Damon Jones
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At Your Convenience
Approved for 1 course credit towards the PMN Designation*
For additional courses, click on this link.
In lieu of one PMN course, you may choose to complete one of the following: