Arizona State
2025 President’s Message
Welcome to Women’s Council, State of Arizona, 2025! This year, we are “Rising to the Occasion.” Let’s face it: The last year in our industry has been fueled by lawsuits and ambiguity, ultimately resulting in fear. Women’s Council Members remain strong and fearless. When our careers become difficult and life throws us curveballs, we dig in, band together, and “rise to the occasion,” no matter what it is.
The Arizona Leadership Team is dedicated to delivering exceptional value to all our members through impactful presentations, engaging workshops, and dynamic discussions that empower and grow the REALTOR® and entrepreneur within us all. As we come together throughout the year, we want you to know that you are at the crux of everything we do. We are deeply committed to inspiring you to rise to meet whatever challenges come your way while helping you expand your networks, grow your businesses, and surpass your expectations.
As we come together throughout the year, we want you to know that the state network’s purpose is to support our seven thriving networks. We are here because of you and for you.
The Arizona State Network and each of our local networks are proud to have achieved full certification from the National Women’s Council in 2024, meeting and exceeding the rigorous benchmarks required. This recognition is a testament to our shared dedication, and we are honored to have earned this distinction.
We look forward to striving for and earning it again in November 2025.
Here’s to an extraordinary year of personal and professional growth, network achievement, quality programs, and so much more. We are open to suggestions, listening to your thoughts and concerns, and collaborating with each of you to become the most excellent version of yourselves in 2025. Let’s “Rise to the Occasion” and tackle the year’s challenges together!
Very truly yours,
Allison Meagher Paoli, PMN
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