Rhode Island

To Our Members, Future Members & Strategic Partners,

We are honored and privileged to serve as your 2024 Governing Board for the Women’s Council of Realtors® Rhode Island.

This organization allows its membership to grow both personally and professionally and it has been essential in creating many strong leadership pathways for those involved.  We seek to increase collaboration within our local, state and area Realtor® associations, as well as local organizations such as NAHREP, YPN and AREAA. This governing board works to create an environment of like minded individuals, looking to empower and strengthen our members and industry affiliates. We continue to work to be at the forefront of leadership in Rhode Island. 

The events that we have planned in 2024 will focus directly on those four pillars of membership: Education, Networking, Referrals and Leadership with an emphasis on building business relationships and a strong referral system across our members.

A large demographic of NAR consists of female members. Many of those members belonging to the Women’s Council of Realtors®. We have a strong presence in leadership at a local, state, and National level. We want to help you be the leaders of our industry as the strong professionals you are.  The council will give you resources and partnerships that will allow you to stand out to your clients and be an all-encompassing source of information for them. We look forward to serving your needs and to bringing you value added events to enrich both your business and your life.

“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” – John C. Maxwell

Our members and strategic partners are what motivates and inspires us. Join us today! 

All our best,

Your 2024 Governing Board

2022 President

Email: wcrofri@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: WCRofRI

Mission Statement: We are a network of successful REALTORS®, advancing women as business leaders in the industry and the communities we serve.

Meet the Leadership Team

Strategic Partners