Governing Board Meeting (Open to Members)

Home > Network Sites > Florida > Manatee County > Manatee County Events > Oct 21: Governing Board Meeting (Open to Members)

Hosted By

Manatee County

Date & Time

Monday, October 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:25 AM





  1. Welcome and Call to Order
    • Greet members and acknowledge attendees.
  2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    • Review and approve minutes from the last meeting.
  3. President's Report
    • Overview of recent activities and updates.
  4. Committee Reports
    • Reports from standing committees (if applicable).
    • Treasurer: Financial update and budget review.
    • Membership: Membership status and initiatives.
    • Event: Update on upcoming events.
  5. Old Business
    • Discussion of unresolved topics from previous meetings.
  6. New Business
    • Presentation and discussion of new agenda items.
  7. Next Meeting Details
    • Confirm date, time, and location (or Zoom link) for the next meeting.
  8. Adjournment
    • Officially close the meeting.

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