Big changes coming soon! As we get ready to launch our new website, please note that some features (renewals, event registration, join now, microsites) will be temporarily unavailable this weekend. Stay tuned for more updates!

Greater Fairfield County

Here at the Women's Council, we strive to provide timely, accessible programming, great networking and opportunities for your personal and professional growth.

Women's Council members send and receive referrals with confidence, knowing that their values are shared when it comes to providing outstanding service to their clients.

We encourage members to get involved, because we know that participation translates to personal growth and leadership development. We meet you where you are in your skill development and take you to the next level.

Meet the new Board

President: Natalya Cruz                                           

President Elect: Vacant

1st Vice President: Julie Hartman

Treasurer: Danielle Raguzin

Programs Director: Carrie Barry

Membership Director: Marie Borner 


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