Foothills West

“The more you help people find their light, the brighter you both will shine.” - Shawn Achor

A magical moment of nature experienced by a Biologist in 1935 led to the discovery that author Shawn Achor writes about in his book, ‘Big Potential’: “When lightning bugs light up at random times, the likelihood of a female responding to a male in the deep, dark recesses of a mangrove forest is 3 percent. But when the lightning bugs light up together, the likelihood of females responding is 82 percent. The success rate increased by 79 percentage points when flashing as an interconnected community rather than as individuals.”

“In the same way, when we help others become better, we can actually increase the available opportunities, instead of vying for them. Like the lighting bugs, once we learn to coordinate and collaborate with those around us, we all begin to shine brighter, both individually and as an ecosystem”, Achor explains. Society teaches us to stand out and shine alone but our success is interconnected; how well we are able to connect with, contribute to and benefit from the community around you is true survival of the fittest. 

This is what Women’s Council of REALTORS® Foothills West is about - a journey to identify, connect, collaborate, shine and thrive together.

As 2024 President, my goal is to seek and discover the diverse talents of the men and women that support our mission of "advancing women as business leaders in the industry and in the communities we serve". I believe we all have unique gifts that need to be shared with the world. As we uplift one soul, we light up many others. Our Board of Directors are talented individuals that share the same heart and vision of bringing empowering content and connections to our industry, to better serve our members. We are in service, for us all to collectively succeed and grow.

The Women’s Council of REALTORS® Foothills West network seeks to work smarter not harder and we do it with passion and the conviction knowing that we all will win if we synchronize and work in harmony. Together we can inspire, educate and ignite our communities and industry...we are the little lights. Our theme this year is an invitation to join us...shine and “Be the Little Light”.


Luisa Zepeda, 2024 President

Women's Council of REALTORS® Foothills West

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2024 President's Letter

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