Call For Speakers
Deadlines for Submission
WISE Conference: January 1, 2025
Midyear Meeting: March 15, 2025
National Conference: September 1, 2025
Speakers must agree to provide educational content only and not promote their product or services before, during, or at the end of their speaker session.
Presentation Guidelines
We are looking for relevant topics that benefit our membership such as business building, leadership and running their Women’s Council networks. We also welcome new innovative topics that help our members become more productive and successful in their businesses and networks. Interactive sessions that involve audience participation through exercises and activities are highly encouraged.
If you are interested in putting together a panel session, please indicate this in your application. You do not need to have the names of all panelists available by the Call for Proposals deadline. However, you should clearly articulate what topic the panelists will cover and how each panelist will bring a unique perspective to the group.

Evaluation Process
Each Call for Speaker submission should include a short speaker video that demonstrates presentation skills. Please ensure the video is a clip and not full length, not to exceed three minutes.
Women’s Council will review all submissions, and proposals will be evaluated by the following criteria:
- Well-defined session topic and clearly defined knowledge and skills that attendees will take away from attending the session.
- Speaker’s level of knowledge and expertise in the session topic
- Speaker credentials, including references
- Speaker presentation style, teaching approach and audience interaction
Submitting a session proposal does not guarantee acceptance. Session proposals are reviewed based on the factors listed above. In some cases, session proposals that meet these requirements will also not be selected due to limited program space. We invite all speakers to resubmit proposals for the following year.
Acceptance and Notification Process
Speakers who are selected will be contacted via email by National Women’s Council with a session date and time slot as well as a Speaker Agreement to review and sign. If we do not receive an acceptance response within two weeks of the invitation email, we will move on to the next speaker on the list.
Selected speakers agree to provide educational content only and must abide by Women’s Council’s speaker agreement.
Only speakers who are invited to present will be contacted. If you are not selected in 2023, we encourage you to apply again in 2024.
If you have any questions please contact Olivia Peterson, Senior Education Director at opeterson@wcr.org or (800) 285-2955.