

Welcome to the Women’s Council of Realtors, Frederick Microsite!

All of our amazing membership meetings, fundraisers, educational training events and informal networking opportunities can be found and registered for on our local website on our Calendar of Events. Please check our local website for information on meetings and events.

As a National Organization the Women’s Council of Realtors provides great opportunities to reach out to Sister Networks in Maryland, or across the country.  This can be to refer or receive business from other members through Radius Agent, or to attend one of the many events which can be found on individual network sites or the National Site.

I look forward to serving you, and to getting to know you this year!


Susan Houck, President

Frederick Network

Find our Calendar of Events and sign up for one of our meetings.

Check the National Site for National presenations and speaker events.

Find a great referral agent through Radius Agent

Find out what is happening and join the chat on our Facebook page

Frederick MD Bylaws

Jan. 14, 2022

Womens Council FrederickMD-logo transparent

Feb. 13, 2019

FrederickMD-Logo JPG

Feb. 13, 2019

New Member Application-Frederick

Mar. 26, 2020

2022 Frederick Network Standing Rules

Apr. 15, 2021

Meet the Leadership Team