Are You Interested in Becoming a Performance Management Network (PMN) Instructor?
These steps will guide you through the process.
Step 1: Attend Facilitator Training
Where and when is Facilitator Training held?
These sessions are attended by both new and veteran instructors and are held once a year at various locations, usually in conjunction with NAR's REALTORS® Conference & Expo in November and the Legislative Meetings and Expo in May. Additional details may be obtained by contacting the Education Director at or 800-285-2955.
What will I learn in Facilitator Training?
Everything you will need to share with students in the classroom will be reviewed in the training. We’ll also cover any updates in the PMN Courses, as well as teaching techniques for delivering courses and instructor development tools to help build teaching skills.
Is Facilitator Training required?
Yes, all instructors must attend. New instructors are strongly encouraged to attend as quickly as possible since this will greatly enhance your success as a Women’s Council instructor.
Step 2: Get certified to teach the PMN courses you’d like to instruct.
How do I get certified to teach a specific PMN course?
To teach a class, you must first attend it. All instructors are invited to attend any courses that Women’s Council hosts during our national events. To audit a course, contact the Education Department at 800-245-8512 or We ask that you attend a course with an instructor who has taught several times and has received excellent reviews.
Step 3: Promote yourself as an instructor
How do I get invited to teach?
The first thing you need to do is find a "home"—a specific course provider—for whom to teach. This includes Women’s Council State and Local Networks, State and Local REALTOR® Association Boards, proprietary schools, as well as a network of educational franchises.
You should have a Speaking Resume that clearly reflects your experience, any references and videos you can provide will also be helpful. Submit your information to one of these providers. If hired, your contract will be between you and the licensed provider. The licensed provider is responsible for obtaining and distributing the course materials for any PMN courses that you are qualified to teach. A sample instructional contract is available for your convenience. Once a provider has hired you, they will contact Women’s Council’s National Office, where you’ll be added to the database as an instructor.
Women’s Council will monitor your progress through instructor evaluations.
How am I compensated for teaching PMN courses?
Women’s Council is not involved in any compensation agreements (unless Women’s Council is offering the course). This is negotiated between the course provider and you. In establishing these agreements, we recommend that you also discuss compensation for hotel, travel, and food expenses, if appropriate, and document these terms in writing before you begin teaching.